Most traders are sitting on their hands right now – too scared
to even make a move. And that's perfectly understandable. Hell, in
a lot of cases it makes great sense to “sit this one out”. But I
have a bit of a different perspective these days...
Preston "Pirate" James
Father of 3, and Independent Trader
Who Has Made a Living Trading
From Home for Nearly 20 Years
It started just over 3 years ago. Weekly options contracts were introduced. And since then, a LOT has changed in the way I approach the market these days.
And these changes are giving me fresh, new opportunities and circumstances that have NEVER been available to the small, independent trader before (investors like you and me).
And over the last 36 months, I've experimented with and proven several brand-new strategies that you can use to profit consistently with weekly options... and get this:
They work EVEN BETTER in a volatile
market like RIGHT NOW.
In fact, there’s no better time than now to use these strategies. And quite frankly – like it or not – this market volatility could be the “new normal” for us for years to come.
The truth is – things have changed DRAMATICALLY over the last 5 years. There’s an entire shift happening... an “undertow” – if you will – that has completely changed the foundation of what the stock market is, how it operates, and why things that used to work just flat-out DON’T work anymore.
It’s time for a re-frame of your brain – an awakening of sorts.
I’m about to show you how this change is unearthing MASSIVE opportunities right now. And for those who embrace it and go with it – there will be profit waves to ride for the rest of your life.
What’s going on out there?
The shift that’s been taking place in the market (with no end in sight) is this:
“Institutions” are entities such as: Wall Street investment banks, brokerage houses, foreign banks and funds, hedge funds, mutual funds, publicly traded companies (like the investments Microsoft makes), insurance companies, pension funds, large foundations, even the Federal Reserve!
According to TrimTabs Investment Research, in 2010 institutional trading
comprises just over three-quarters of ALL stock market volume! (Just 5 years
ago, it was approximately 2/3rds of all stock market activity).
At this rate – it doesn’t look like this trend is slowing down or stopping any time soon. Some experts I’ve interviewed lately say this means curtains for the regular investor out there. Certain doom.
But for me, I’m excited as hell!
Because this kind of fundamental shift – and the consequent radical change in the market – means there are NEW WAYS to capitalize… and do it in quantum leaps!
As far as I’m concerned “out-with-the-old and in-with-the-new” is just fine with me. But the prizes will only be tossed out to those who know where to move and how to act.
Quite honestly…
So bottom line... what does this all mean in the real world, if institutions are now 3/4’s of all trading volume?
In a nutshell, it means more concentrated power is being wielded around by fewer sources. And it leaves bigger, heavier tracks out there.
I don’t know about you, but trends to me don’t feel like they used to.
I know that we’ve had some very unusual years lately… but still, you can just tell things have changed. Also, it used to matter a great deal if you put in the time, did your research, were disciplined, followed rules, etc., more than the next guy.
But now it feels like stocks get hyper carried away – in either direction – your fundamental and technical research be damned!
This takes me back to an interview I did a few months ago with Gregory Zuckerman, author of the best-selling book “The Greatest Trade Ever”.
Zuckerman interviewed John Paulson for over 100 hours, the hedge fund manager who pocketed close to $15 billion on ONE trade that spanned approx 18 months. He also interviewed 50 friends, close associates and traders in his fund.
From all this, Zuckerman believes we’ve entered a permanent “bubble state” – full of lazy, copycat hedge fund managers who pay lip service to doing research.
He says that based on the way these managers are compensated (they make mountains of money just being average!) that it’s just far easier to be a copycat of what another hedge fund manager is doing.
And that’s how MOST of these funds make their decisions... based on what the other guy did in his fund. No digging... no hard work... no research... they just watch the volume of the other funds’ action – and hop onboard.
Think of it like this: it’s like a bathtub full of water. When you sit down in the tub and push the water back and forth, it makes the water start to move the same direction. Well, these guys all hop in the same bathtub – they make the stock market bath water swish back and forth.
And it inevitably causes bubbles (not bubbles from the bubble bath… but bubbles in price!)
And these guys are ENORMOUS!
In fact, according to Jupiter Research, in 2006, approx $1.34 trillion was invested in hedge funds. But today that figure stands at roughly $2 trillion!!! Sheesh... how did THAT happen? Especially considering the financial meltdown of ’08 to ’09??
I thought it was conventional wisdom that everyone was running for the tall grass, swearing off the stock market forever more?
This just helps explain the undeniable sea-of-change that’s taking place... more and more institutional trading, with no end in sight!
And that’s part of why the new weekly options have quite literally made me hundreds of thousands of dollars since their release… but the surprising thing is:
It’s pretty amazing when you stop and think about it… so when I buried myself in the basement and created my “Weekly Options Windfall” home-study course, I knew I was onto something important.
In putting that course together I discovered several killer advantages to trading weekly options:
By using weekly options, you and I are just stepping in and taking advantage
of these massive forces out there... week after week after week.
That’s a lot of good news… especially considering how rough things are out there right now. I’ve been busy placing hundreds of trades using the weekly options, and I've experimented and tested several brand-new strategies that you can use to profit consistently with weekly options…
And since the market is so damn volatile right now… there is no better time than now to use these strategies.
More importantly… because the current market situation could, in fact, be the “new normal” – I want to share this must-have information with as many traders as possible.
Weekly options have become my financial savior during this effed-up economy. I have learned a TON from being tossed around during the past 36 months. Sheesh… it’s been crazy.
But the good news is this:
This is knowledge that EVERY trader should be armed with in this market.
And I've honed and refined four brand-new trading strategies... they've all been tweaked, tested, and perfected over these last couple of years and will give you an IMMEDIATE edge in this volatile market.
When I first started releasing my results on video to fellow traders I got a lot of feedback – but the number one question that I kept getting was...
Well… that’s a great question. And after spending several weeks stewing on it – I've decided to do something I've never done before, and I'm extremely excited about it.
In all my years of trading, I've never been this excited about anything! And guess what? There is absolutely nothing like this out there, period.
After searching all around, and calling up every trading expert on the planet -- I’ve come to realize that what I'm doing is TOTALLY new and fresh… better yet… it’s working right now -- in fact, it’s kicking ass in this market..
And part of this good news is you don’t have to have a “black belt” in the Black-Scholes option pricing formula, you don’t have to be some kind of market wizard, and you don’t need a bunch of software, screens or any of that shizzle.
It’s these VERY circumstances that make the new weekly options such a compelling tool to use. They make guys like me and you more nimble... more able to snatch-up ridiculous-sized winners in just a few hours.
Now... obviously the government won’t allow me to PROMISE you’ll make anything – and the other factor is, YOU. I can’t “pull the trigger” for you... only you are in control of your trading account.
So let me ask you – seriously – how much money do you need to live the life you want to live and be more-than-comfortable?
Would $5000 per week change your life?... or is that “chump change” in your world? Hey we’re all different – with different perspectives... and I don’t know your personal situation.
How ‘bout $10,000 per week? Does that change your life? I personally can’t think of too many people whose lives that WOULDN’T change!
I don’t want to turn this into some sort of rah-rah “Amway” meeting here... but... we are talking about changing your entire financial picture for the better! And I kid you not – this financial transformation can happen in the next 3 to 6 weeks.
All you need is three things:
1) an open mind
2) an account that is approved for trading options
3) a basic working knowledge of how to trade options
Please do NOT take me up on this if you don’t have all three things. Why? Because you MUST be able to trade options in your account – and you MUST know HOW to trade options... including covered calls, spreads, and more.
But most importantly... you must have an open mind.
Why? Two reasons:
Assuming you understand my “rules”... and assuming you qualify – it’s time to get excited, and get ready to change your life.
1) First of all, you get the “Weekly Option Windfall” course delivered to your door – so you’ll always have a physical copy of it to turn to. This course includes:
2) You also get password protected access to the WOW Web – based Training Portal...
Inside this website you'll see the newest WOW breakthroughs being demonstrated on video – you'll get access to the online forum/chat room – you'll get online access to the entire WOW training kit… so even when you're on the road or away from your copy of WOW, you can still access the training… plus there's much, much more.
Essentially, you'll stay on the cutting edge of what's working with weekly options in the current market environment by having access to this website – in a nutshell, your WOW product will NEVER get old or dated!
3) Once You Get the WOW Training Under Your Belt You'll Be Ready to Start Trading… and That's Where My “WOW Alert Service” Comes Into Play.
You see, every time I make a trade, I will shoot you an email about it – alerting you to exactly what I'm doing and WHY! Basically, you are getting my every weekly option trade delivered to you on a silver platter!!!
More than likely, you'll hear from me several times a week – sometimes several times a day… it really just depends on the market environment. When there's a lot of opportunity, you'll hear from me often – when the opportunities are slim, you'll only hear from me a couple times a week. But I'd say, on average, you'll hear from me around twice a day.
But listen carefully…
Having these trades handed to you on a silver platter is (once you understand how I trade weekly options) like having the keys to Fort Knox handed to you several times a week. And I know of several “Alert” services that only offer one or two “trading signals” per month who charge $5000 or more per quarter for their trade alerts.
(Quite frankly, my WOW alerts are easily worth that much and more to the trader who will take action and actually place trades.)
And as always... I back-up my training products with a killer money-back guarantee. This one is off-the-hook generous...
In the next 90-days you have my word that if you don’t make MORE than your investment to join my “Weekly Options Windfall” family – I will happily refund you your purchase price at the end of 90-days. (This is NOT a guarantee on returns or investments or on your investment risk capital).
I don’t know of anyone who’s willing to offer such a fair guarantee.
When you buy “Weekly Options Windfall” I am assuming you are “ready to trade”... you have your account open, it’s funded, and you know how to trade using options. Therefore, this guarantee is conditional – based on 2 conditions:
If that's the case, and you don't make at least what you invested in my "Weekly Options Windfall" training and trading alert service (whether you enroll for 6 months or 18) - I will rush you a full refund.
So how much is the “Weekly Options Windfall” training package and “Alert Service”?
Well, I've sold the “Weekly Options Windfall” training package by itself in the past for as much as $1,997. That price was JUST to get the training… not including any on-going Alerts or web-based training updates.
But what I've found is that the Alert Service is not only a money-making resource for you – it's also a great part of the education… seeing real world trades “in-action”, and watching them unfold before your eyes is a real insightful experience – and will build your confidence. I guess what I'm saying is this:
My experience has shown it's much more beneficial for traders to
PACKAGE the education with the trading alert service.
So instead of charging you $1,997 for just the training, and then a monthly figure for the Alert service – I'm basically going to GIVE you the “Weekly Options Windfall” training program, PLUS password-protected access to the updated, online web-based training for the cost of the Weekly Option Windfall Alert Service… which is $997 every six months.
So you get 6 full months of my weekly options trades handed to you on a silver platter for just $997. You get my trades and market updates emailed to your “in” box several times per week – not EVERY DAY mind you... but anytime I make a trade, adjustment, or have some insights to share on a stock or trade I'm in you'll be the FIRST to hear about it.
And truth be told, a single, winning weekly-options trade will MORE than pay for your 6-month subscription.
Now if you're really serious about this – and want to save yourself a bunch of money – you can get an 18-month subscription to my Weekly Option Windfall Alert Service for just $1,997. (This saves you $994).
Again… just a couple of winning trades will MORE than pay for your 18-month subscription once you get these weekly options trading methods under your belt.
Now before I wrap this up – I have one other thing I really want you to “get”…
I'm worried about you.
I mean it.
Because the government and economy are so incredibly messed-up out there... I'm worried that you are so locked-up with fear about how the government is screwing with our economy, changing the financial rules, and even mucking around with the very definition of FREEDOM.
…they’re doing their damndest to replace freedom with ENTITLEMENT.
And I'm worried you’re locked-up with fear about your financial future... and more than likely here's what will happen (this is where human nature will screw you over)...
All Because of FEAR…
Don’t laugh… people do it to themselves all the time! They'll drop $5000 on training and alerts like this and then they'll SIT ON THEIR HANDS AND DO NOTHING!
I want to keep that from happening to you.
Because I have experienced the liberating feeling and POWER that comes from having this knowledge and putting it to work in the market – and cashing-in with some SERIOUS WEEKLY WINDFALLS nearly every Friday since I started doing this!
And don't forget… I just showed you my brokerage account! So this is NOT HYPE… it's real-world trading that works.
Because – having experienced how effective this type of trading is – I have more control over my own financial future, my own financial destiny... than EVER before.
There is NO FEAR in my house.
This is what I want for you.
A sense of finally being in charge of your financial destiny... not worried about a government run amuck... not worried about your retirement... not even giving the “need” for a social security check a second thought – because you'll be making so much money, you won't give a damn whether social security is there for you or not.
You deserve to feel this same sense of freedom and control that I feel.
And that's why I'm going to do something special – just for you – just because you’ve stuck with me this far… and read all my information.
If you're willing to invest just a little more time to studying the information AS SOON AS YOU GET IT... here's what I'm willing to do:
I want you to get this training in your hands... have enough time to go through it (around 10 days) and then I want to FLATTEN your learning curve. I want to get you in the driver's seat... making MONEY with this as soon as possible.
You read right…
After you've had your course for a week or so... you and I will get on a live webinar together, along with a couple-dozen other like-minded traders... and we will make money together trading weekly options!
Then we'll turn around the very NEXT Friday and do it again!!!
Obviously, the SEC and other government agencies don't allow me to
PROMISE or GUARANTEE you'll make money... but making money
is the plan.
All you do is commit to DEVOURING this training as soon as you get it into your hands... and then show-up, ready to trade and make some money on our back-to-back trading Fridays together.
And as an added little push – to get you off the dime and help flatten that learning curve even quicker – when you enroll in Back-to-Back Friday's, I will pay for your overnight shipping... (U.S. Only) just so you can have this killer training in your hands an extra 2 or 3 days before we do our trading together.
If I were you – this is an absolute no-brainer... I'd step up to the plate and invest the “extra” to get the 18-month subscription and take FULL ON ADVANTAGE of this Back-to-Back Friday Windfalls live trading for five reasons:
Coming on a live webinar with me during a real trading day will be priceless!
Plus, for traders who are in “emergency mode” and who need to make money A.S.A.P. it will stomp all over the “learning curve”.
The subject of “weekly windfalling” is new and cutting edge, and once you see this come alive in real live action – just once – you'll never be the same again! But this only happens when you get on live and see this happen right there in front of your eyes.
And think about this... how many times in the past have you thought you could build your confidence with PAPER TRADING. Let me tell you something – paper trading is the biggest JOKE in trading.
It does NOT give you the confidence you need to TAKE ACTION WITH REAL MONEY ON THE TABLE. Paper trading sucks... PERIOD.
Can you really even put a price on the value of trading virtually side-by-side with a REAL WORLD trader who makes his living in the market?... quite honestly – I don't know of anyone who is willing to do something like this other than me!
And... the most important reason you’ll want to get in on these back-to-back trading sessions…
Now before I go on... please realize, you don't have to commit to an 18-month subscription.
You can go with the 6-month deal. And the guarantee is the same for both. But if I were you, I wouldn't miss-out on these back-to- back Friday's for anything. (I'm just telling you what I would do if I were in your shoes.)
Now, admittedly, there is one problem with this whole back-to-back Fridays deal... and it's this:
This program is being offered to approximately 40,000 traders... and several of them have “caught wind” of this back-to-back Fridays deal through the grapevine. And they have been flat-out badgering my staff to make sure they get a spot. (They have been banging on the “door” since the word leaked out.)
So, last I checked, my assistant Lori has already got 356 traders who are chomping at the bit to be a part of this. And truth is – our webinar technology only allows for 999 people to be on at a time. But since the word sort of slipped out early – and you can't “unring” that bell – it is what it is...
So with this being seen this week by just over 40,000 qualified traders – these slots will be snatched up in NO TIME. Sorry... but I have no choice but to cut it off at that point – just because of the state of today's webinar technology.
If you don't make the cut – you can still get the 6-months of the “WOW Alert Service” for just $997 – or 18-months of the “WOW Alert Service” for $1,997 (saving you nearly one thousand dollars). And of course you get a physical copy of “Weekly Options Windfall” delivered to your door – plus the web-based training portal.
If you want overnight shipping on the 6-month option, you can do that for $35 more. International packages will be sent out Priority Mail.
Now let me shift gears for a minute here – and I want you to stop and really think about the long-term and the income that is possible to create for the rest of your life using what I'm going to teach you, you'll realize what a reasonable investment these price points are.
And more importantly...
This is information you CAN NOT get anywhere else. NO ONE ELSE is even talking about how to make money with weekly options. (Hell, the “big boys” and institutional traders are just barely catching on to the advantages of monthly options!) You’ll be running circles around them once you arm yourself with what I’ve got to share with you.
Plus, when you consider the odds are considerably HIGH that you’ll make MORE than the $500 investment on your very first trade – your overall investment is a pittance.
Combine that fact with the reality that you’ve got nearly 52 Fridays a year to catch these serious windfalls – and I’m talking about serious pay-days practically every single Friday of the year – your investment to be a part of this is peanuts.
I should be charging 10-times this amount.
Think of the price I’m charging in these terms...
Now... obviously regulations don’t allow me to PROMISE you’ll make anything – and the other factor is, YOU. I can’t “pull the trigger” for you... only you are in control of your trading account.
And I know it’s scary out there right now.
And you may be more comfortable sitting on the sidelines. But I can’t help but think that’s just an all-round bad idea. What if THIS MARKET IS THE “NEW NORMAL”?
Really stop and ask yourself that… what if THIS is the “new normal”? And what if it doesn’t EVER change? What if there’s never a crystal-clear “bull market” or “bear market” again?!
That’s pretty much where we’re sitting right now! Think about it… is there anything that’s been CRYSTAL CLEAR about the stock market for the last 24 months?!!!
It’s up 1000 one day… then down 2000 the next. And who knows what tomorrow brings?
All I’m saying is this:
The opportunity to make money is right there… but you’ve got to know your way around these weekly options – and you’ve got to get comfortable trading them.
And all of my new “secret weapons” have a desirable risk/reward pay-off that requires very little babysitting (which means you don’t have to be glued to the computer screen all day long… perfect if you have a full time job).
And because now you’re getting my trades delivered on a silver
platter – your biggest roadblock of “I don’t know what to trade” is
NOW GONE! Your biggest roadblock has just been VANQUISHED!
Besides that, with a no-lose guarantee like the one I'm giving you, the only thing standing in your way at this point is YOU. My guarantee is simple: If you have an account funded and are approved for options trading, here is my promise to you:
In the next 90-days you have my word that if you don’t make MORE than your investment to join my “Weekly Options Windfall” family – I will happily refund you your purchase price at the end of 90-days. (This is NOT a guarantee on returns or investments or on your investment risk capital).
I don’t know of anyone who’s willing to offer such a fair guarantee.
When you buy “Weekly Options Windfall” I am assuming you are “ready to trade”... you have your account open, it’s funded, and you know how to trade using options. Therefore, this guarantee is conditional – based on 2 conditions:
If that's the case, and you don't make at least what you invested in my "Weekly Options Windfall" training and trading alert service (whether you enroll for 6 months or 18) - I will rush you a full refund.
When you buy “Weekly Options Windfall” I am assuming you are “ready to trade”... you have your account open, it’s funded and you’re ready to go! (By the way… if you DON’T know how to trade with options… don’t worry – my “Weekly Options Windfall” training will cover everything you need to know.)
With a guarantee like this, you can move forward with confidence... knowing that Weekly Options Windfall™ will get you the results you're looking for.
But remember... as of this moment, there are only 643 openings available for the “Back to Back Friday” trading experience.... by acting now, you'll ensure you lock in a slot.
And if you're the kind of individual I think you are – and if you have any amount of money above $5,000 to manage on your own... I honestly think that 6-months from now, you are going to call my office and talk to Lori, and you're going to want to do whatever it takes to track me down out here in the mountains of Utah, find the nicest restaurant you can find – and sit my butt down across the table and thank me for what's happened.
I'll be shocked and surprised if something like that doesn't happen – because I think your heart will be so full of gratitude... you'll be so thankful that our paths crossed... I wouldn't put it past you if you did something like that.
I mean it.
Here’s how to get started:
To lock in your slot for a Back-to-Back Friday trading with me – or just to get your copy of “Weekly Options Windfall” and enroll in the “WOW Alert Service” simply call my office assistant Lori and she can sign you up over the phone.
Don't be afraid to ask her any questions you have. She's really sweet and will take great care of you. Call Lori any time during business hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time at:
If it's after business hours, or if you are one of the many who like to sign-up online, and you don't want to risk missing out on one of the remaining openings that are available, you can choose your subscription package below and you'll be taken to our secure enrollment page.
Click Here to Enroll in the 6-Month “WOW Alert Service” for $997
Click Here to Enroll in the 18-Month “WOW Alert Service” for $1,997
(Saving you $994)
PLUS If You Act Fast, You’ll Get the Added Benefit of Attending the
Back-to-Back Friday “Live” Webinar Trading Sessions!
Listen... I know that if you’ve watched my video and read my message this far – you’re the type of person who’s willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead in life, a person who could never settle for taking a horse and buggy when there’s a jet pilot offering to give you a ride.
Just think about it.
It’s this time next year. You’ve been immersed in trading these weekly options... you’ve been making money the entire year.
As you look around you see all of the goals you’ve accomplished. People are looking at you different. They’re looking at everything you’ve achieved in just 12 short months.
It feels great, doesn’t it?
Well, that’s what you and I are going to do together with “Weekly Options Windfall” in your hands. If I didn’t fully believe in this, I wouldn’t be willing to take on the risk and give you a killer guarantee.
So get going right now – while it’s fresh on your mind – by calling my office assistant Lori and she can sign you up over the phone.
Call Lori Any Time During Business Hours
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time at
If it's after business hours, or if you are one of the many who like to sign-up online, and you don't want to risk missing out on one of the remaining openings that are available for the “Back-to-Back Friday Live Webinar Trading”, you can click on the enrollment option you want below and you'll be taken to our secure sign-up page.
Click Here to Enroll in the 6-Month “WOW Alert Service” for $997
Click Here to Enroll in the 18-Month “WOW Alert Service” for $1,997
(Saving you $994)
PLUS If You Act Fast, You’ll Get the Added Benefit of Attending the
Back-to-Back Friday “Live” Webinar Trading Sessions!
Take Care,
Preston “Pirate” James
P.S. Listen... if you’re the kind of person I think you are... you’re ambitious, driven, and motivated – and you want to create a better life for yourself.
I’m telling you right now: This is going to be a real life-changer for you.
What I’m going to show you is REAL… and it’s everything I’ve promised. And even if you’ve been around trading for 15, 20 years doing this stuff... even if you’re a grizzled veteran... I’m going to show you combinations of things you’ve never seen before.
And look, I’m an ex-linebacker – and if I can figure this out, if I can do this, believe me, you can do this.
P.P.S. Whatever you do – decide now. I know for a fact that this week alone there will be right around 36,126 other ambitious, driven investors like you who see this message. So you don’t want to put this decision to the side and “think about it”. There really are just 643 openings left for the “Back to Back Fridays” trading experience with me.
And I really don’t think you want to miss out on that. Just one of those Fridays could quite honestly MORE than pay for your entire investment in “Weekly Options Windfall”.
In fact, take a look at this email I just barely got from 71-year old Dorothy from Hackensack, New Jersey:
“Friday's WOW back to back webinar was awesome!!! Did you by any
chance tape it? It moved so fast, I can't read some of my notes. Everything
moves along quickly, but I did jump in and do 4 trades with a $3,840 gain.
I am so excited about this program - I can't thank you enough.
I'm 72 in January and still working full time because we can't afford to
retire. My husband is 74 and still working also. We figured we'd have to work
until 80 and then hopefully retire. I'm now looking forward to retiring in one
year - since even though I'm retired, I can be at home making trades.
Then I can also teach this to my 3 children so they don't have to struggle
either. You are the answer to my prayers. Thank you and God bless!
Warmest regards, Dorothy S.”
Picture that... this sweet little lady – struggling to even retire – pocketed $3,840 in one day... right there during the back-to-back Friday trading session with me.
This email is REAL... as real as day and night. And it just happened to show-up in my email in-box as I was writing this letter to you.
I hope it inspires you to take action in your own best interest... I really do. Because this is changing lives left and right – more than anything else I’ve ever done. Be a part of it... you won’t regret it. I promise.
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